New Drones Program is up and flying!

7 years ago

students flying drones in classroom

Cochise Technology District JTED and Cochise College have partnered to bring a Drones (sUAS--small Unmanned Aircraft System) Program to high schools in Cochise County. We started with a small group of students at Buena and Benson high schools. Students are learning about drones technology, FAA rules and regulations and how to fly a drone safely and legally.

The Drones Program will prepare students to take their FAA Remote Pilot Certification exam later this spring. The program will continue next year as students gain skills in drones flight, photography, mapping, filming and presentation for commercial purposes. 

Drones pilot positions are expected to grow by 70,000 in the next three years. Drones are being used in real estate, agriculture, mining, inspection, film & tv, law enforcement, fire science and are being tested for delivery services.  

Cochise County is one of the first counties in the nation with a program to train and prepare high school students to become licensed commercial drone pilots. We are very excited about this new program and opportunity for our students!

benson 1

benson 3

buena 1

buena 2

Law Enforcement Students March for Veterans' Day

7 years ago

CTDS law students

CTD's Law and Public Safety students from Bisbee, Valley Union and Willcox High Schools honored our veterans by marching in the Sierra Vista Veterans' Day Parade on Saturday, November 11th. With the guidance and support of their instructors, Cochise County Sheriffs Deputy Forest Hauser and Department of Public Safety Trooper Amber Navarrette, the students looked outstanding in their uniforms and represented their schools well. We're very proud that these students would take their personal time to march 2 1/2 miles to honor those who have served our country. A big thanks to the students and their instructors for showcasing their skills and the beginning of their service to our county and country.

CTD Law Students


Deputy Hauser & Sheriff Dannels recognized

7 years ago

Cochise County Sheriff's Office hosted another field day for our Law, Public Safety and Security students on Tuesday, May 9. Students toured the jail and facilities while learning about law enforcement. Joel Todd, Superintendent, and Tina Gudvangen, Program Director, popped in for a visit to catch students learning and to recognize Deputy Hauser and Sheriff Dannels for their commitment to the program and students.

Deputy Hauser was presented with applause from his students and a certificate that read, "In appreciation of your outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty and sharing your passion for Law Enforcement with students in Cochise County. Thanks to your dedication, the children of Cochise County are becoming better citizens today and protectors of our communities tomorrow."

Hauser, Todd, Dannels

We also recognized Sheriff Dannels whose partnership and vision made this program happen. His commitment of resources, facilities and personnel has made this new program an outstanding learning opportunity and source of pride for students. Sheriff Dannels certificate stated, "In appreciation of your commitment and support to educating our youth in Law Enforcement and sharing the honor and dedication of this career.  With thanks and gratitude for your dedication to educating our children and bringing safety and pride to our communities and citizens."

We'd also like to thank Deputy John Fillipelli for substitute teaching in the program and for his commitment to our students. Cochise County Sheriff's Office personnel have lent a hand when needed to provide specialized training to our students. We thank them for their partnership in this program and for giving our students an opportunity to learn to serve and protect the citizens of Cochise County.