Welcome To Cochise Technology District

Cochise Technology District connects high school students in Cochise County with quality, collaborative learning experiences in Career and Technical Education programs. Using innovative technology, students are linked virtually and traditionally with opportunities at the high school and community college to gain the technical and leadership skills necessary to be prepared for economic independence and to make informed decisions about their career, continuing education, and community.

Cochise Technology District offers programs in Nursing Services (CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant), Home Health Aide, Law & Public Safety, Mental and Social Health, Cloud Computing/Network Security, Welding, HVAC, and Automotive Technologies.


Cochise Technology District CTED (Career and Technical Education District) officially began on July 1, 2001, as an idea shared by seven satellite superintendents and governing boards from Benson, Bowie, St. David, San Simon, Tombstone, Valley Union, and Willcox. Douglas Unified School District joined July 1, 2004. Bisbee and Sierra Vista School Districts joined July 1, 2013. Patagonia Union High School District joined July 1, 2019. The eleven satellite high schools in the District are Benson, Bisbee, Bowie, Buena (Sierra Vista), Douglas, Patagonia, San Simon, St. David, Tombstone, Valley Union, and Willcox. The Cochise Technology District Governing Board and Administration have worked with the Governing Boards and Administrations in the eleven satellite high schools to develop and improve Career and Technical Education Programs for their students.